Market Update

June: Average Time to Sell

This chart shows the Average Days On Market for properties reported as sold in June 2024 in the Edmonton MLS System®.

The Edmonton real estate market continues to be quite active, particularly for well priced attached and single family detached homes. But things are never as simple as the statistics or averages would seem to make them.

Is this a good time to buy or sell? If you would like to discuss your current situation, let's chat.

June: Market at a Glance

Here is a snapshot of the recent average prices in the Edmonton area based on sales reported for June 2024 in the Edmonton MLS System®.

This report shows that prices are up this year and Buyers seem to have adjusted to higher interest rates. Multiple offers are not uncommon for desirable, well-priced homes. If you need better information or would like a more detailed analysis for your home or property needs, please just ask!

May: Absorption Rate

Here is a snapshot of the listing absorption rate for Edmonton-area market for May2024.

The Edmonton market has settled down somewhat, but there is still strong demand for desirable, well priced single family homes right now. The apartment market has improved, and the market for high end properties is best described as 'normal'. There are opportunities for moving ahead and we continue to see strong activity for desirable, well priced properties.

I find that it's best to take all statistics with a grain of salt. Call me if you'd like better information with respect to your specific situation.